2023 Lewisburg Arts Council Performing Arts and Visual Arts Scholarship Recipients
The Lewisburg Arts Council is pleased to announce this year’s recipients of our annual Performing Arts and Visual Arts Scholarships, Lewisburg graduating seniors Micah Zook and Hannah Kraus.
Performing Arts

We applaud Micah Zook, selected as this year’s Performing Arts recipient.
Micah is a standout in the Music Department at LAHS because of his genuine love of the art form, and his willing involvement in many ensembles, including Marching Band, Concert Band, Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, Barbershop Quartet, and the Spring Musical productions both as a pit performer and actor on stage. He plays clarinet, bass clarinet, tenor and baritone sax, and he sings bass.
He has poured many hours into perfecting his skills, and has earned placements in District and Region Band, Orchestra, and Chorus, and was selected to the All-State Concert Band in 2022.
When Micah isn’t actively singing or playing in an ensemble, he can be found playing his recorder or listening to many styles of popular music from the past sixty years.
Visual Arts

Congratulations, too, to this year’s Visual Arts recipient, Hannah Kraus.
Intensely passionate about the arts, Hannah is excited by using a multitude of mediums and does so with ease.
She exhibits exceptional leadership, going above and beyond the arts curriculum, always volunteering with projects pertaining to the visual arts in our community.
Hannah transfers her own love of art to those around her by mentoring younger students.
She wants to become an art teacher and will be attending Appalachian State in the fall to pursue that dream.
We are especially delighted to recognize these students who share their love of the arts with others. We wish them the very best in their future endeavors
And we are grateful to our members, who make it possible for us to recognize these well-deserving students.