Contra Dance
Come Contra dance in Lewisburg! The new season of second Saturday Contra dances begins on September 14 at the Donald Heiter Community Center, 100 North 5th Street, Lewisburg. We dance from 7-10p.m. Bruce Young will be calling to the lively music of Strings on Wings musicians, Todd Clewell and Barb Schmid.
Contra dances are easy and energetic. A basic review begins at 7:00. All dances are taught and called. No experience or partner needed; newcomers of all ages are always welcome. We welcome everyone, regardless of age, skill level, gender identity, cultural/national heritage. There is always live music.
Wear comfortable clothes, and soft soled, non-marking shoes and be prepared for fun.
Admission is $10.00 for adults; under 16 free; $5.00 for students with current ID.
Not feeling well? Please skip September, and try again next month
For more information call Betsy or Jeff at 570 524-2104