bumblebee on pink flowers macro photograph

Exploring Macro Photography

Macro photography is extreme close-up photography, usually of very small subjects and living organisms like flowers and insects, in which the size of the subject in the photograph is greater than life size. The speaker for the April Photo Club meeting is Dr. Daniel C. Hyde of Lewisburg, PA.

Dan will define macro photography and show macro photos he has taken.  He will discuss different approaches to macro photography including how to do it cheaply.  He will demonstrate the equipment he uses and show images taken using the different approaches.  He will describe the six major issues involved in macro photography and their solutions.

Dan will show that macro photography can be a lot of fun!

Bio: After retiring in 2016 after 40 years as a Computer Science Professor at Bucknell, Dan created the Lewisburg Photography Club. He was the Chair of the Photo Club for six years until he turned over the reins to the talented duo Sarah Binder and Penny Patterson.  Dan started taking photos in 1968 but embarked on serious study of the art of photography when he retired in 2016.  He shoots primarily photos of nature.
Photograph by Daniel Hyde

The event is finished.


Apr 25 2024


The doors will open at 6:30pm if you would like to arrive early and socialize.
6:30 pm
The Gallery


The Gallery
The Gallery, 15 North Water Street, Lewisburg PA 17837


Lewisburg Photography Club