Letter from the President

Dear Friends of the Arts,

After the Lewisburg Arts Council celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2019, the Board of Directors began thinking about what our next 50 years would hold.  Of course, none of us had any idea of the challenges and changes that lay just ahead.

When I stepped up as president in July 2021, my first priority was to find ways to bounce back post-pandemic, first by reintroducing our smaller events like the Sidewalk Chalk Festival and then our signature event, our annual spring Arts Festival.  

Because we are resilient and adaptable and, yes, fortunate, we used that uncertain time to make some much-needed changes.  More importantly, we also worked to realize the future we had envisioned, plans that were put on hold by the pandemic.

Even during that difficult time, it has been my great pleasure to serve on the Board and as President of the Lewisburg Arts Council.  I have met so many wonderful members of our community as a result.  As my term of office comes to an end, I look forward to seeing how those efforts will shape the Arts Council’s second half-century.

I am especially grateful to all those who have served before and with me, whether as President, Board member, committee chair, or volunteer.  Truly, without your leadership, commitment, and passion, the Lewisburg Arts Council would not be the vibrant organization it is today.  

I am delighted to pass the torch to my current Board and committee members.  I consider myself fortunate to have been able to work with such a talented and dedicated group of volunteers.

And I would be remiss if I neglected to thank our wonderful members, some of whom have been supporting the Arts Council and its mission since before I joined the Board in the early 1990s!  

I hope you will continue to support the Lewisburg Arts Council and its mission, not only financially but also with your time … as a volunteer, as an audience member, and as a frequent visitor to our events at our new home at the Union County Museum and Gallery (the former Packwood House Annex) at 15 North Water Street.

We’re still getting settled in at The Gallery, but our Plein Air Art Show this month gives a glimpse of what we can offer in this space.  With the much-needed bathroom renovations nearing completion, we look forward to opening our doors for workshops, classes, and social gatherings in addition to regular exhibits.  We want to connect the arts and our community in exciting ways, ones we had thus far only been able to dream about.

I hope to run into you at The Gallery .. or one of our upcoming events …soon!

