2022 Sidewalk Chalk Festival
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2022 Sidewalk Chalk Festival! There were so many great pieces of art for the judges to choose from. After hard deliberation, the winners were chosen!
Age 6 and under – Top 3:
- Gemma Shope #013
- Luci Lattarullo #038
- Margo Mitchel #055
Age 7 to 9:
- 1st Place: Daniel Sullivan #117
- 2nd Place: Mitzie Kissel #113
- 3rd Place: Jack Pfeifer #109
Age 10 to 12:
- 1st Place: Aaliyah Newton #229
- 2nd Place: Ellyn Decker #208
- 3rd Place: Laura Willey #219
Age 13-18:
- 1st Place: Emily Neyhard #302
- 2nd Place: Natalie Dewald #304
- 3rd Place: Ryan VanLone #308
Age 19+:
- 1st Place: Michelle Tavares #404
- 2nd Place: Susan Pinter #427
- 3rd Place: Isabel Martine #441
Thank you to our prize sponsors: Brushstrokes, Sholley Insurance Agency, Purity Candy
Special category winners…
Lewisburg Theme Winner: Ellie Kisvarday
sponsored by Leslie Hosterman and Alicia Shaffer, Bowen Agency Realtors
Nature Theme Winner: Ariana Beck
sponsored by Dr. “Jay” Hulthus, Pediatric Dentistry of Lewisburg
Patriotic Theme Winner: Rudy Apfelbaum
sponsored by Kratzer-Dull Post 182 American Legion
Reading or Oceans of Possibility Winner: Daelynn Thomas
sponsored by the Public Library of Union County
Treat Sponsors
- Treats for registered participants ages 9 and under from Lewisburg Deli
- Treats for registered participants ages 10-12 from The Cookie Dude
- Treats for registered participants ages 13-18 from Sweet Frog
- Downtown Shopping Passes for adult participants from Downtown Merchants
- Featured Artist, sponsored by First National Bank
- Face-Painting Fundraiser by Lewisburg Cheerleaders, sponsored by Lawton Insurance Agency
- Live Music by DePotorland, sponsored by Blaise Alexander of Lewisburg (formerly B.Z. Motors)
Additional thanks to Lawton Insurance Agency for sponsoring the event.