Childrens Story Telling with Fiona Powell
A new season of Storytelling will begin in November 2024 with Fiona Siobhan Powell, a well-known storyteller, who has amused audiences of all ages for over 30 years.
This program will begin at the Gallery at Water Street, on Saturday, November 2nd at 10:30 am, followed by a family friendly Storytelling session on Sunday, November 3rd at 3pm.
November 2 storytelling will concentrate on stories for young children. Although all ages will be welcome, the stories will be geared towards children, between the ages of 3-8 years old. This session will last from 10:30 am-11:15 am. Storytelling sessions will be limited to 15 children plus their accompanying adult(s). Adults are asked to accompany and stay with their little ones. The Storytelling session is free, and open to the public. Registration is required.
Fiona has performed at libraries, festivals, and schools, and was part of the Award-winning Early Childhood Learning program of the Bradford Regional Arts Council. Fiona was also part of the Prime Storytelling program held at the James V. Brown Library, a nationwide program organized by the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities. She has also been recognized as an award winning storyteller, particularly skilled in the art of Celtic stories, by Arts organizations world wide.
This is to be the first in a series of Storytelling activities, which will be held at the Gallery on Water Street. Please look out for future performances and workshops, including, Myths and Legends for an Adult Audience; Family Storytime for the Winter Season, and a series of Storytelling Workshops beginning in December.